MY DOG’S GOT NO NOSE - Saturday 25th May

You join the man as he prepares backstage for his first ever stand-up comedy gig.  Something he has waited over 30 years for.  Find out how he got to this point in his life... but be warned... the man and the performance are not quite what they seem!

“Giles Shenton held his audience’s attention for nearly two hours; their interest or curiosity in the first half and then to have them fully engrossed in the second before a shocked silence when you could hear a pin drop in the auditorium.” Alton Herald

Quiz Night and Curry Supper

Join us on Saturday 24th February 7:30pm (doors/bar open from 7pm)

Teams of up to six prebooked or joined on the night

Tickets available from Ilmington Community Shop at £12 per person include curry supper (chicken or vegetable with rice and poppadom. Please order when purchasing ticket)

Coming Up!

On 23rd November, the village hall volunteers will be providing a delicious food offering at the Farmers Market - To avoid disappointment, it is essential to book early via the Community Shop so that we can prepare an adequate amount of food.

On 24th February 2024 Lis Ribbans will be challenging your grey matter at the Annual Quiz.

A Day in the Life of a Concorde Pilot

Join us on Saturday 11th November (doors open at 7pm) for a fascinating talk from Captain Tim Orchard, a former Concorde pilot and co-pilot for Concorde’s world record transatlantic flight.

Captain Tim Orchard began his flying career 47 years ago. He has flown over 50 types of aircraft and is currently licensed to fly aeroplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons and hot air airships.

Read more here

Hear about his incredible experiences and more for only £10. Tickets available via the Ilmington Shop and Eventbrite.